What is Artificial intelligence & Myths Regarding It

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The modern and advance definition of AI (artificial intelligence) is “the study and design of intelligent agents”. Where an intelligent agent is a system that recognizes its environment and takes actions accordingly. However, this maximizes its chances of success.

According to John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956. Defines it as “the engineering and science of making intelligent machines.”

Other names for the field are such as computational rationality computational intelligence or synthetic intelligence (SI).

The term artificial intelligence is also helpful to describe a characteristic property of machines or programs. The intelligence that the system demonstrates.

Artificial Intelligence research uses insights and tools from many fields, including philosophy, computer science, psychology, and linguistics. It also includes cognitive science, neuroscience, operations research, economics, probability, control theory, logic science and optimization.

Artificial Intelligence

Applications of AI

From Apple’s SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing very rapidly day b day. While science fiction often represents AI as robots with human-like characteristics. AI can enclose anything from Google’s search algorithms to autonomous weapons.

Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow AI or weak AI. This is to perform a narrow or light weight task including facial recognition or only internet searches or only driving a drive-less car. However, the long-term goal of many researchers is to create general AI known as AGI or strong AI). While narrow AI may perform better than humans at whatever its specific task. The specific task like solving equations or playing chess or AGI. This will outperform humans at nearly every intellectual task.


Most researchers and studies agree that a super intelligent AI is unlikely to exhibit human emotions like hate or love. So that there is no reason to expect AI to become intentionally warm hearten or evil minded. Instead, when considering how AI might become a risk, experts came across two scenarios most likely:

The AI is programmed to do something devastating: 

Autonomous weapons are AI powered systems that are programmed to kill someone. In the hands of the wrong person, community these weapons could easily cause mass casualties and destruction. Moreover, an AI arms race could ultimately lead to an AI war that also results in mass casualties. To avoid frustration due to the enemy, these weapons design is extremely difficult for a normal person to simply “turn off”. So humans may easily lose control of such a situation. This risk is one that’s present even with narrow AI. But grows as levels of autonomy and AI intelligence increase.

It develops a alternative destructive method to achieve its goal: 

This can happen whenever we fail to fully align the AI’s goals with ours, which is very difficult. If you ask an AI powered intelligent car to take you to the airport as fast as possible. This may get you there as chasing a helicopters and cover in vomit, doing what you want but in a whole different way. If a super intelligent system is working on with an ambitious Geo-engineering mass project. It might wreak devastation to our ecosystem. This also cause a side effect, and view human attempts to stop it as a threat that is going to met in the future.

As these examples illustrated, the concern about advanced AI isn’t hostile but competence. A super-intelligent AI is extremely good at accomplishing its goals. If those goals aren’t line-up with ours need, we have to face a problem. You’re intentions was not probably evil, but if you’re in charge of some project. There’s a possibility of devastation it too bad for your profile. A key goal of AI safety research is to never place humanity in any critical position.

Artificial Intelligence


A deep conversation is taking place about the future of artificial intelligence and advance technologies related to AI. What it will/should mean for humanity. There are more fascinating and interesting controversies where the world’s leading experts form IT department disagree, such as: AI’s future creates major impact on the job market; if/when human-level AI will be developed; whether this will lead to an intelligence explosion. But there are also many examples of boring misleading-controversies. This all cause due to people misunderstanding and talking past each other about the disadvantages of AI.

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