5 Steps to Generate Email Address using Google Xray Search LinkedIn
Recently I came across a method to generate the leads using Google XRay search LinkedIn. As we know that direct searching LinkedIn has a limitation in viewing the data for profiles. A Google XRay Search is the most basic of Boolean logic. By using Boolean, we can target the specific search results and out of search results, we can extract the key information about the certain professional.
This is considered to be a very effective way to source the candidates who have specialized skills and keywords listed on social networks, websites, and online databases.
As we know that direct scraping LinkedIn is restricted, yes I am aware of the fact that there is a different workaround on this. Google Xray Search LinkedIn based on the particular topic can lead to some basic information which can be used to get further information on the target community.
In this method, for sake of better understanding, the entire method is split into 5 steps to finally get the Valid Email Address.
Steps to get the information given below.
Step#1 Get the Full Name
Step#2 Get Job Title and Company Name using Full Name
Step#3 Get Company Domain using Company Name
Step#4 Get Raw Email Addresses using Full Name and Company Domain
Step#5 Validate Obtained Email Addresses
Step#1. Get the Full Name
In this step, first off, using Google Boolean search logic + Keyword (Data Scientist), we form the URL which gives us the Data Scientist related profiles. In this case, we are interested in searching the “Data Scientist”.
Google Search String: ‘” data scientist” -jobs -topic site:linkedin.com’
This forms the below URL:
- Search Keyword: “Data Scientist”
- `-topic` used to ignore the articles in search results
- `-jobs` used to ignore adverts job post
- there is blog/learning which can be parsed and ignored in code level
From the above search, we can scrape the ` Full Name` and `LinkedIn’s Profile URL` both can be used to get the `Job Title` and ` Company Name` in Step#2. To demonstrate this method, we will use the following entry’s data as given below.
Name: Lillian Pierson
Profile URL: Linkedin
Step#2. Get Job Title and Company Name using Full Name
To get Job Title and Company Name we have to form Google Search String using extracted LinkedIn Profile URL (“linkedin.com/in/lillianpierson”) from Step#1 along with Google search operators.
It is found that the following Google operators with LinkedIn URL with name only produces expected results regarding the Job Title and Company Name.
site: linkedin.com/in/lillianpierson “Current” OR “Previous” OR “Education”
Google Search Result is here.
To explain, we have extracted the information form both above steps.
Full Name: Lillian Pierson
LinkedIn Profile URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lillianpierson
Job Title: Data Scientist
Company Name: Data-Mania, LLC
Step#3. Get Company Domain using Company Name
To get the Company Domain, we can use the Company Name found in Step#2.
Google Search URL is here.
Step#4. Get Raw Email Addresses using Full Name and Company Domain
To get possible Email addresses, we can use the following Google search string.
Google Search String: “Lillian Pierson” “@data-mania.com”
Find here for Google Search URL
In this step, we have to extract all the possible Email addresses.
After extracting all Email address from Google search results we have to match the “First Name” as in this case “Lillian” and Last Name “Pierson” or combination of both First Name and Last Name. In whichever Raw Email Addresses matches found to be the best would be considered as our desired Email Address.
Email Address: [email protected]
Step#5. Validate Obtained Email Addresses
We can validate the Email Address using any of the Email Validation services out there. In this scenario, we have used zerobounce.net. Please see the screenshot.
Email Address: [email protected]
The test suggests that “[email protected]” is found to be valid email.
[highlight color=”eg. yellow, black”]Considering all the mentioned steps (1-5), we have got the data as below:[/highlight]
Full Name: Lillian Pierson
Profile URL: LinkedIn
Job Title: Data Scientist
Company Name: Data-Mania, LLC
Email Address: [email protected]
Hope this post helps!! Let us know if you have any question.
Thank you!